Auditor Global Standard for Packaging Materials issue 6

Auditor Global Standard for Packaging Materials issue 6

Global Standard for Packaging Materials issue 6 - AUDITOR TRAINING


This course will provide auditors who have audited against Issue 6 of the Standard with details of the changes to format and content of the Standard, with a review of audit protocol and BRCGS expectations. It includes particular reference to the changes in order to better reflect the diversity of the Packaging industry and how this affects them. This will also be an opportunity to effect calibration of auditors to ensure the effectiveness and consistency of audits against the Standard to BRCGS requirements.


This training course is aimed at Current BRCGS Packaging and Packaging Materials Issue 6 Auditors and Certification Body personnel responsible for technical review.


Day1 หัวข้อการอบรม
09.00 Welcome and Introduction to the Course
09.15 Background and Benefits of the Standard
09.45 Scope and Format of the Standard
10.30 Requirements 1 - Senior management commitment
11.15 Break
11.45 Requirements 2 - Hazard and risk management
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Requirements 3 - Product safety and quality management
15.15 Break
15.45 Requirements 4 - Site standards
17.30 Day 1 Discussion and Summary
18.00 Close


Day2 หัวข้อการอบรม
09.00 Review of Day 1 Learning
09.15 Requirements 4 – Site Standards
10.45 Break
11.15 Requirements 5 - Product and process control
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Requirements 6 – Personnel

Requirements 7 - Requirements for traded products

15.15 Break
15.45 Audit Protocol
17.30 Close


Day3 หัวข้อการอบรม
09.00 Audit protocol part 2
10.30 Break
11.00 Auditor requirements
12.30 Lunch
13.30 BRCGS compliance
14.00 Course recap and review
14.30 Course examination
17.00 Close


รูปแบบใบ Certificate


  • Certification body auditors or new auditors seeking registration.
  • Technical and quality managers who wish to gain an in-depth understanding of the audit process.
  • Consultants.

Delegates must have a working knowledge of quality management systems and auditing within the relevant manufacturing sector. Delegates should also have completed a HACCP course of at least two days duration.


Sriprapai Pajareeyanont .. (click to view profile)



โทร : +66 (0)63 187 9718

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