การรับรองมาตรฐาน ISO 14001 Environmental management system

การรับรองมาตรฐาน ISO 14001 Environmental management system


Name: ISO 14001 Assurance Program
Criteria: ISO 14001 and Client Charter
Market: All organizations
Scope: International
Output: Certificate of Confidence
Validity: 3 years, subject to on-going requirements
Outcome: Certification gives confidence to the organization, its customers, regulators and others in its ability to meet environmental requirements, with the aim of reducing adverse environmental impacts.


Every modern organisation has a shared responsibility to prevent pollution to the environment. Our ISO 14001 Assurance Program provides a sound basis for any organisation looking to establish confidence in their ability to consistently meet these environmental obligations. It can be integrated into, any of our other assurance programs.

The process

As an organisation, the steps involved for you are :

  1. Applying for certification:
    Review and accept our customised Proposal, and you’re underway!
  2. Achieving certification:
    Firstly, a pre-certification audit or “test run” will be conducted either on-site (at your premises) or off-site (at our premises) or both, to see whether your management systems are suitable. Areas of concern will be reported. Once concerns have been actioned, an on-site certification audit will be conducted, where we will examine the extent to which you address the program criteria. Areas of concern will be reported. Once we are satisfied there are no outstanding issues that present an unacceptable risk to you, your employees, customers, regulators, Equal Assurance or others, we can proceed to issue a Certificate of Confidence. Well done!
  3. Maintaining certification:
    Depending on the level of risk, we will conduct a series of surveillance audits (and in some cases special and follow-up audits) and tri-ennial re-certification audits, to examine the extent to which you continue to address the program criteria. Areas of concern will be reported. So long as we continue to be satisfied there are no outstanding issues that present an unacceptable risk to you, your employees, customers, regulators, Equal Assurance or others, your certification remains valid.



โทร : +66 (0)63 187 9718

อีเมล : eqa.training@equalassurancethai.com

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